I am a Step Parent. A step mom with 2 great step daughters. One of them deep into the teen years and another stepping into teen-dum. I've been marrried to their father for 5 years now, together as a family for 7.

Life in New shoes" is about my life as I know it, all in different shoes. We all step into a new pair everytime we try something new.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rainy Days

The seasons here in the south are like a good southern woman. You never know exactly what you are going to get until you wake up in the morning and test the waters. The seasons here change their minds daily. We turn on the heat at night to keep the chill out: and in the afternoon, the AC is blasting trying to get the humidity out of the air. You can wear a sweater and shorts all in the same day. Now, today it may be sunny and 78, tomorrow may be rainy and 50. Just so happens, today is that rainy and 50 day.

Ya’ll just never know with Mother Nature. She has a great sense of humor. I love playing her game. I liked being surprised at the variety. Sunny, a bit windy, warm enough for holey jeans and a T-shirt and flip-flops and your hair all up in a ponytail. Or rainy and cold. It’s that kind of day when you wake up you know that you are going to get absolutely nothing done.

Spring has officially arrived, says the calendar, and I am ready for the flip-flops to come out! It’s time for that Pedicure and cute toenail polish and my daily treat of the tanning bed.  Alas, that is not today. Today is the day when I woke up, heard the pitter-patter of rain hitting the deck and sighed. I wanted to go back to sleep. Nothing has been accomplished today. I have wasted enough time on the www and shuffling my feet back and forth to the laundry room that I think I can get away with throwing a load in the dyer and calling it a day. I will fold tomorrow.

It’s rain boots day. Sloshing around, cold, wet and not necessarily comfortable. I just want to take them off and throw on my slippers. Nothing is ever good when it is made of a rubber blend. Shoes are supposed to be comfortable and made for achieving a goal. My goal today was to not get my feet wet so I could take the trash to the curb. LOL I have started reading again and I have finished the books by Stieg Larsson. Great books and definitely worth the time to read. (They are difficult to get started with but once you get going, a Must read!)