I am a Step Parent. A step mom with 2 great step daughters. One of them deep into the teen years and another stepping into teen-dum. I've been marrried to their father for 5 years now, together as a family for 7.

Life in New shoes" is about my life as I know it, all in different shoes. We all step into a new pair everytime we try something new.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ranting and Raving

New year. 2011 is well under way. This is the year for many emotions, changes, and rites of pasage. I have experienced many different emotions and have been involved with a plethora of debatable scenarios. I must say that Karma will come around and kick butt one day (even to me). People must realize that their actions (or inactions) cause a ripple effect. I am ranting and raving about all the things here, my escape to write it all out.

Men and woman need to be strong in their relationships. Find that inner warrior and do what needs to be done for your own well-being. Sometimes, you have to take a step back and find your self worth. Love yourself first.

I have such strong opinions on matters and when it comes to kids and their well being- I must say that first and foremost, supporting your children is a must. Excuses can only go so far, and sooner or later they can tell when you are lying. Even kids get tired of hearing excuses. It only hurts them more to have to lie back to you. Stop using guilt on children to make yourself feel better. Stop with the excuses and face your responsibilities. No one should be a Deadbeat parent. Children are a gift and a reward. I have been unable to have any of my own and I am beyond grateful to have the best step kids ever. They have influenced my life in ways I never thought could happen. I could not imagine treating them the way I have seen others do and making them feel less than perfect all the time. Criticizing and complaining about your life are unacceptable.

People will use guilt to make them feel better. It’s used to make others feel bad so in return one can get a response to make him/her self-feel good. No matter the age, sooner or later using guilt will affect even the nicest person, making them afraid and forcing them to believe that they are wrong, even when they are not.

When you use guilt or blame others, make up reasons and excuses for poor behavior or lack of responsibility: I believe that deep down you feel incomplete about yourself. Feeling crappy about your choices, your decisions and using that self-anger on others creates a thin line between love and hate. It forces people in ones life to hold in feelings and constantly worry about how they will make you feel if the truth is told.

To be forgiven, one must ask for forgiveness and want it to make amends. Don’t think that simply because you forget the bad things, that others will forget and forgive too. Some people are not built that way. I have strong feelings on disrespect and impertinence. Do not continue to go forth with the same actions. My loyalty and respect for you will decline considerably. I am not perfect in any way, shape or form. I hold grudges. Always have. Always will. Stubborn is a light word when used to describe my temperament. However, I am set in my ways. I do not believe that complete rudeness, forgetfulness or disregard or ones actions can be tolerated repeatedly. You treat people the way you would want to be treated.

Speak from the heart. Don’t hold anything back. There are times that coddling people and children will do more harm than good. It’s a thin line we walk.

Now, I am not perfect. It’s great to talk the talk and when forced to confront people, most will cower. I have learned from my husband to keep my mouth shut even when I am about to explode. (Still working on it) I have learned to control my anger and my temper. (Kids can teach you that). I have learned that some people don’t care who they hurt. I have learned that I will not change who I am for the sake of others. A great man told me once “Be you and if others don’t like it, they weren’t meant to be in your life.”

Well. That’s my rant for this week. I am sure more will come. I am using this blog as ways to self reflect on my opinions and views. Maybe I will learn something along the way.

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